AMC - Your Vote Matters:
Many shareholders received their Proxy Vote in their emails today! Answer the questions and submit your vote.

Interesting the timing of these Proxy Votes and DTCC-2021-005 regulation.

In short, it regulates how many ACTUAL Shares are in the system. Meaning the Naked shorting is monitored...meaning...Hedgies are screwed! No more fabricating synthetic shares or going to your local Crooked Brokers R Us to get them. BUT WAIT...
So if an Executive for Citadel sits on the board for DTCC, how will we know the DTCC will enforce their regulations? Or is this a way to expose Citadel and a sting operation?
Elon Musk did tweet about AMC and is the Sequel the Squeeze?

Think about this...if Citadel Executive sits on the Board for DTCC and he finds the banana receiving hedge fund has been doing tons of naked short selling shenanigans, will he report it or will he ignore it and risk getting exposed? Either way...he doesn't win! Oh that is the sweet smell of victory! Impose newer regulations. Notice how many moves recently by the IRS, SEC and now DTCC have taken the dirty Wall Street and Billionaires by surprise.
Oh the White Hats sure set some smart traps!
AMC today:

Okay, we first started talking about AMC when it was hovering around $8-9, then dove to $6-ish. Then up to $12 and shortly after that to $60.

The longer the APES hold the stronger position the will be in when the regulators begin to take action or non-action (meaning they can no longer aide dirty Wall Street).
What is happening with Silver and Gold today?
Silver / Gold today:
Then look at the indices at the exact same time of all the charts above:

None of this is making any sense in the typical financial analyst world....but I see it in the Anon / APE world as a big sign of helping Main Street to get in the game!!

Yep...can you hear their train...that is about to wreck? Their own self created train wreck!
Oh yes...Sammy's kids are Even Celebrating!!! Link to Sammy's Kids
DOJ is threatening to halt the final results of the AZ Audit:
What a bunch of losers! Our entire alpha agencies are so corrupt!
IlDonaldo Nuggets:

GEEZ 7 summarized:

Just in case you missed it...
Soon we'll get to hear more of President Trump directly through his rallies! The next one is June 26 in Ohio!
We sure miss our President and First Lady and the entire Trump Administration team!!
All information / videos contained in our website are opinions only. Information is derived from Public information, News Articles & Social Media. We are not attorneys, accountants, financial advisors and or lobbyists.
Any information shared is not financial or legal advice.
Me thinks the DOJ needs to do some math before trying to send agents to muscle Missouri and other 2A sanctuary states
I've been watching your show for about 4 months now, and I just want you to know how much I appreciate your digs, advice, and most of all your positive attitude. God bless and keep you in his love and protection!
I think you misinterpreted Elon musk’s tweet. I believe by the sequel, he may very well be referring to the Quantum Financial Syste. After he tweeted that today he did several tweets regarding the successful launching of GPS III from Space Force base! If Trump put into play a global financial system, it would have to be guarded from space. Who would he put in charge of guarding that? Space force of course! Is GPS III the final piece needed to make the quantum financial system functional?
Curious, your Mr. Pool posts (the banana blog) mentioned Rambutan. [medium-dark red ones should be the sweetest are @ our Int'l Farmers Mkt just north of Memphis]... Did you know that "Gene Decode" strongly warned 01-Mar-21about copper consumption if you have morgellons? I take everything with a grain of (non-iodized) salt though, pun intended, because our body chemistry's are all so very different. And by the way, laughter and singing provides extraordinary healing and protection. THANK YOU DR. SANTA
💙 Thank and God Bless you for all you do! I received my order of Sammy Silver Coins today and they are AWESOME!!!