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Writer's pictureSanta Surfing

Are Hedgies going broke? China crackdown Bitcoin! Mr Pool bombs!


Mr Pool posts on Twitter and then deleted refers to Alchemical Emblems:

Remember New DTCC/OCC Regulations

Makes you wonder if assets are indeed getting seized and auctioned at this time?

And then...there are the banks that started mysterious crypto departments and have raved about Bitcoin. Well this news may not be what Crypto lovers want to hear...

This is China!!! WOW!!!

Sure looks like Silver and Gold are next up!!! Cornelius (from Rudolph) sure gave us plenty to think about as children...his never ending search for Silver and Gold...and decades we are, collecting both and waiting for the Silver Squeeze.

Futures Contracts June 28 for all precious metals.

The Barchart chart I previously shared with no longer offering that chart. What are they hiding? Oh the sad pitiful dirty Big Banksters can't take the heat, so they have to go whine to their media buddies to help them out! Where's Jamie Dimon?

Will the regulators regulate and take action? Will these crooked Big Banksters have to pay their justice? What about those involved with the treasonous acts by helping, aiding dirty politicians, money laundering, using their container ships to bring illegal drugs into our country? What is it called to aid and abet a traitor, would that be a co-traitor?

Dirty Market Makers, brokers, hedgies that play illegally have gotten away so many times, I wonder how it will work this time around? They have an entire army of worldwide media on their side and they are battling the Army of Apes and Anons!

Expect the attacks to intensify as stated in Q3854:

We're wise enough to know their dirty tactics aren't working and we're Holding onto dear life (HODL):

When our Bossman returns, we'll be so ready for a brand new beautiful world! The APE / Retail investor movement is non-partisan. There are no party lines at all. I am broadcasting the slightly edited version of the video (below) posted by Dan Scavino (and tried my best to delete expletive words):

Original version of Video

Dan Scavino Channel on Telegram has so many great messages!

IlDonaldo posted this on Father's Day. It's so beautiful!

3,529 views8 comments


Jun 22, 2021

There is a play on words, but I agree too. I am doing research and know of medicines and therapeutic electrical machines which I believe can heal people from vaccines.... but I pray we can make them publically available soon as possible. Currently we can't even talk about it... It is sooo frustrating.

Jun 22, 2021
Replying to

What a great message you've put here. I'll try to find the information you spoke of. Thank you and God Bless you.


Jun 22, 2021

I have been given a hard time for saying this... But god bless Elizabeth Warren for doing the right thing. The last SEC admin was terrible. I love Trump and would never vote for Warren as president.. but it the SEC is truly standing up to Wall Street corruption! Today's ruling for short sales to be automatically paid the same day, is HUGE. Starting this Wednesday it's going to get really interesting on Wall Street. See, there are good and bad people on both sides.


Jun 22, 2021

You once again on today’s show (6/21/21) referred to the Book of Daniel. Just wanted to drop you a line about something I recently found out, of all the reading I’ve ever done, I have never come across this. I am a big thrift shopper and I like to collect and read different Bibles ( love the older ones) and had bought a new one this past weekend. As I leafed through it in the back of this particular Bible there were a number of sections such as places and things of the Bible, a dictionary and then there was this section titled “ Interesting Facts and Figures About the Bible“. As I perused this section I came across verses…


Jun 21, 2021

I haven't given up on Trump. In fact, I've continually told everyone who will listen that he is still our President. I was in tears when I wrote earlier and didn't get it all said. I'm the only person in my family who researches deeply and follows the few alternative news, like Santa Surfing, AwK, and a few others that I trust. It is one of these who has changed their views on what's really happening, and it's not good. It's so very difficult to live daily in a world where most are lying, so I no longer watch TV. My family, including my children won't talk to me about anything I think we should. They aren't mean an…

Jun 22, 2021
Replying to

Thank you for your response and your prayers. I desperately need them. The terror I feel over losing my family is balanced by a denial that surely, God will not allow this to happen. As I don't speak for Him, I can't know what He intends or doesn't. I'll pray that your grandson sees the light and won't take that poison. I'm also happy to know that your children have come around. Maybe mine will, too. God Bless you and yours.


Jun 21, 2021

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR VIDEOS, SANTA. You are. the one uplifting voice I hear. Everything else is nothing but bad news all day, everyday. For some reason I've lost my Telegram and can't get back on. I'm terrified I'm going to lose my children and grandchildren, all have taken the shots, and I hear they will all be dead within two years. I see videos of President Trump hawking the "vaccines" and how great they are. Can this be true? I feel like I'm in a nightmare.

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